Far Star Observatory
Thursday 10 December 2009.

M42 (Orion nebula) at ISO 800

M42 Orion Nebula

Canon 450D: 19 x 90secs at ISO800; No auto-guiding.
I was having trouble with the auto-guiding (PHD with a Star Travel 102mm refractor). I think I need to read a little up on PHD and consider changing some of the default settings. Despite that, I am not unhappy with this result.

M51 Whirlpool Nebula in Canes Venatici

Canon 450D: 5 x 150secs at ISO800; Auto-guiding - that went a little adrift! Not sure what happened here but I need to investigate how to reliably use auto-guiding with my set-up. I would probably have got a better result without any guiding. This will have to be resolved before I attempt any eyepiece projection photography.

M33 Triangulum Galaxy

Canon 450D: 61 x 150secs at ISO800. I want to try this again with longer exposures but only once my auto-guiding is spot on!